3 steps to get up as early as you want to!

All of us have heard from someone or the other that morning time is the best time to do something creative or to study. Also if we get up early, there are lot more benefits to our body which I will discuss further but the main problem with all of us is we cannot get up early in the morning. We just can’t stop ourselves from taping the snooze button. So here I am!  with just 3 steps to get up early in the morning, and I guarantee you  if you follow these three steps you will surely get up from your bed and start with your work.

1) why we should get up early in the morning? 
2) why we cannot get up early in The morning? 
3) How to overcome the  above causes
4) Finally those 3 steps
5) 7 things you should do early in the morning if you want to make you life worth living
6) A poem on Alarm Clock ⏰

1) Why we should get up early in the morning ?

Getting up early have many advantages and comparatively no disadvantages provided you have a good night sleep.

  • It boost's up your self confidence 
When you get up early, you achieve victory over your desire to sleep more, that makes you realize that you have a control over your mind and that you are not doing what your mind wants but your mind is doing what you want. Which also decides whether you run your day or the day runs you!

  • More time - More productivity
when you get up early in the morning, you get more time to complete your tasks. you get that kind of satisfaction that the time you have been wasting for so many years on sleep that time you have manifested in doing something worth it.

  • You automatically feel very positive and optimistic about yourself

  • Better sleep quality 
  Early riser's go to bed earlier than usual because they understand the concept that if you want to get up early in the morning you have to obviously go to bed early so to acquire good quality sleep.

  • Mental health betterment  
 One of the very significant benefit of waking up early is reduced stress level. when you rise early, it eliminates the need to rush in the morning. ( I will give more reference to this point further when I discuss the 5th topic)

2) Why we cannot get up early in The morning?

  • We sleep late - Its obvious  if you go to sleep at 12 am or 11:30 pm and aim to get up at 4 am its next to impossible and  even if you manage to get up, you will feel sleepy the whole day and it will affect your metabolism as well. 
  • bad quality sleep - No matter for how much time we sleep but if we don't get a quality sleep it's nearly equal to 30 minutes sleep, So we tend to sleep for more time and therefore cannot get up early, this point is related to the above point.
  • Stress, anxiety - I would like to call stress a slow poison because stress is  the major cause of all the diseases that most people suffer from, stress doesn't let you sleep, you go on overthinking about the events that went wrong in your life and that disturbs your mind, it consequently affects your sleep quality.

  • depression - Well this is the most dangerous cause! because when you are in depression you fail to embrace the sunrise, you avoid people, you feel comfortable on your bed and only desire to sleep as much as you can because at that point of time you feel that your sleep is the best escape place from facing the reality, you just find it kinda difficult to leave your bed. So in such a situation it's nearly impossible (yet it is possible) to get up early.

3) How to overcome the  above causes?

1.The first cause is that we sleep late
  •  A simple solution to this is to sleep early but I know it's easy to say hard to do (in some cases), for some people sleeping early just means sleeping early but for some people sleeping early means saying no to all those late night parties, avoiding the temptation to watch a movie, saying bye (early) to that one special person with whom they otherwise spend hours chatting late night. 
  • Whichever case it is you have to choose between your dream life and a messy life, when you are told to choose something. you make sure that you are happy with whatever you chose then why we do such an injustice with ourselves when we choose the kind of life we want to live, you cannot do such an injustice with your dreams! 
 2. Bad quality of sleep is related to stress, anxiety and depression, so if we learn to handle these three secret killers- stress, anxiety and depression then the your pillows will be the way to heaven!

Now the biggest question is how to manage stress, anxiety and depression?
Well checkout this link " What is stress? How to manage stress? "
 which will help you to stop being stressed, anxious and also help you come out of depression to some extent.  I’m Also going to mention the 7 things you should do in the morning for a better life, if you practice those things, your half of the problem will be solved, I guarantee you on that. 

All I would say is stress will not take away your problems in fact make them seem never ending problems and simply ruin your health.

So all those people out there waiting for me to finally share the 3 golden steps that will compel you to wake up early in morning and thereby change your life, habits and eventually your lifestyle are:

Step 1: Keep the alarm clock away from your bed

One of the topper of a competitive exam revealed that he used to get up early in the morning every day to study and  his trick of getting up early  was that he used to set his alarm say at 5am and keep the alarm clock inside the cupboard and lock it, and he would keep the key in his parents room, so when the alarm would ring he first used to get up and bring the key from his parent’s room and then he would open the cupboard and put off the alarm in this process he would lose his sleep and would then sit to study.
Now how can we apply it in our lives?
Keep alarm either on phone or alarm clock. Keep it in your wardrobe/cupboard and lock it, you can keep the key in some other room/ kitchen. Then in the morning when alarm rings you have to first go and bring the key, then you have to open the cupboard and put off the alarm and lo your sleep just vanished.
Tip: you can put the key of the lock in a bunch of keys, so that you have to find out which is the key and thereby make your brain active.

Step 2: Do it step by step

Some people have the habit of getting up at 9 am or even beyond that and then they set goals of getting up at 4 am or 5 am, some of them succeed but most of them get up for a few days and then leave it, some don’t even get up…………

  Now why does this happen?

 It happens because we have been practicing our late wake up habit from a very long time and when we suddenly make plans of getting up 3-4 hours earlier than usual, we find it difficult.

What can we do then?

If you wake up at 9 am or beyond that, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier then before i.e. at 8:45 am and tell yourself getting up early by 15 minutes is at least better than waking up 180 minutes (3 hours) before. And gradually you increase 15 min to 30 min, 45 mins, 1 hr and eventually your body will start adjusting your sleep - wake timing.
People who get up at 7 am or 6 am can set the goal of waking up 5-10 min earlier then before and eventually increase it to 20 min, 30 min and so on until you start getting up at 4 am.
I know some people will say it is quite a slow process, but guys remember “In one day you cannot fill the entire ocean, the ocean is the sum of all the drops that add up every day.”
And after all something is better than nothing.

Step 3: Drink a glass of water before you go to sleep

 If we drink 2 glass of water before going to sleep say suppose at 10 pm then by the time our alarm rings At 4am, we suddenly feel the urge to urinate and then we have to get up from our bed.

 Tip: when your alarm rings, just don’t give yourself any time to come up with excuses to hit the snooze button ever again and just count 5 4 3 2 1 Go…….. and there you are, already out of your bed. This trick is as easy as it sounds, I have tried it many times. Use this trick if you stay in hostel and cannot apply the first step otherwise don’t.

5) What are the things that you should do early in the morning?

Many of you might have heard about SAVERS, Here I will tell you how it can change your life and also when you can practice it.  So here I go…….

S – Silence
A - Affirmation
V – Visualization
E - Exercise
R – Reading
S – Scribing
Let me break them in more simple words

Silence – Practice meditation. 
  • Early in the morning when you wake up, do meditation. when you get up early first of all you don't need to hurry, secondly if you practice meditation, you develop a calm and peaceful mindset. This reduces your stress level. 
Affirmation- saying positive things about yourself and about your life such 
  • Say this early in the morning, when you wake up before meditation.

You become what you say, it's no joke, affirmations are known for improving many people's life and after a week or so you will start getting the results. 


Visualization – close your eyes and imagine how you want your future to be, think about all those steps that you have to take in order to reach there
  • You can do this after you do meditation in the morning.
Tip: It is always better to do visualization by closing your eyes

Exercise/Yoga –
  • first of all set a goal - If you want to be slim, then your goal will be to reduce a certain amount of weight.
  • Accordingly search out exercises to reach your goal.
  • Make sure to keep yourself hydrated during the exercises
  • Have healthy and nutrition rich food. 

you can do exercises In the morning after meditation.  

( Note: when you do exercises, strictly maintain a healthy diet. if you do exercise without consuming proper healthy food then you will feel tired and exhausted.)

Reading – Books that I would suggest you to read are
  • Alchemist ✨
  • Miracle morning ✨
  • Think and grow rich ✨
  • You can win ✨
  • Atomic habits ✨

Reading helps you In many ways, it not just gives you knowledge but also some productivity books also help you to live a healthy, organised and happy life. It also improves your vocabulary to a great extent.   

 Scribing- planning your day, or writing some good note for you to remember for the entire day.

Noting down what you did the entire day helps you in keeping a check on your daily activities. A to-do list helps you to remember the tasks you need to complete at the end of the day, it also helps you in keeping a track of your time and to utilize your time wisely.

 Apart from these 6 thing, one more practice that you must add up in your life is GRATITUDE

-          Thank God for all the people in your life who make you feel special
-          Thank God for the  food  that you get to eat everyday
-          Thank God for the day
-          Thank God for each little blessing in your life, may it be even having eyes to see the beautiful world!

We are surrounded by so many beautiful things but unfortunately we forget to embrace these things. Even a simple act like feeling grateful for all the things that we have, can bring changes in our lives.

I guarantee you if you do these things everyday you will see a great change in your life.



5) Finally, The poem - Alarm Clock



Your acknowledgement is most welcome, would love to know if my poems helped any of my readers.  Follow this blog so that you don't miss any of my new poems.


  1. Felt so good after reading this😌

  2. Great points and some word of encouragements.

  3. So inspiring. Definately things i will try in the future, its not always easy!

    1. Thank you, yes it’s not always easy dear but it is possible 😊.......we might fail but trying is more important.


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