What is stress? How to manage stress ?


Stress isn’t a disease rather a mother of all diseases whether you say diabetes, infertility issues, cardiovascular diseases, psychological disorders and many more to add to the list. Also most of the alcohol and cigarette addicts, when asked about their reason to drink and smoke are found to reveal that lots of tension and stress of work, house issues and other matters had compelled them to do so, they said that they use their addictions to avoid being in stress for prolonged time.

Other than the effects mentioned above, stress also hampers a person’s ability to retain something they learn. It effects the person’s sleep as well,  for the person who is stressed out keeps thinking about the same things again and again. We all know that we never gained anything by stressing out but still we continue to get worried about the ongoing matters in our life.

 One of the major cause of stress is overthinking. Some people are so good at it, that they can plan out every other thing that can go wrong in their life until they die. Sarcastically I think the most common quote heard by most of us “Think 100 times before you act” has been taken too seriously by us. We overthink when we are unsure or insecure about something, so we tend to make our own imaginations where we focus on the worse-case scenario of everything. One solution to stop overthinking is by deciding that whatever happens in our lives we will face it there and there, yeah you can plan about things but remember planning doesn’t mean just analyzing the things that can go wrong but also focusing on the things that must go right.

If we understand this small fact that stress doesn’t solve our problems rather creates more of them, Then 50% of our stress will already be controlled.

Stress is actually our body’s natural response for danger but nowadays with increasing tasks to do and busy schedule people find themselves clouded with aberrant stress and the way out just seems impossible!

So how do we manage stress? Is there a way out?

Yes! There is a way out. Let’s see how we can manage out stress.

How to deal with stress? 


  • Take help

Talk to someone about the problems going on in your life, it can be your parents, your partner, your siblings or any close friend. They will surely lend a helping hand to you.


  • Scribing

Take a paper or book and write down the things that are making you worried but you can’t change them. accept the fact that you have no control over those things and you cannot change it even if you want to, instead focus on things you can change, ask yourself “what is it that I can change about this problem?” ( probably the way to react towards it )

Tip: you can maintain a personal diary for this purpose


  • Talk to yourself

Spend some time alone. Take time to understand things that are going on in your life, analyze your problems, tell yourself not to stress about it rather focus on the solution.

  • Meditation

Silence is full of answers. A silent mind can solve problems much easier than a cluttered mind.  Remember searching something in a messed up room, did you find it?? Probably no ( It takes quiet a lot of time ) but if you search the same thing in a clean, organized room you will definitely find it within no time. It’s the same way with your mind.

  • Yoga

Trust me Yoga is the best thing to do when you are stressed out, it truly gives you a relief from within.

Tip: Yoga and meditation works hand in hand


  •         Exercise – Exercise is another most effective way to overcome stress.

The benefits are better seen when you exercise regularly, exercise lower’s your body’s stress hormones – like cortisol which is known to weaken the immune system's activity in your body. Exercise also help us release endorphins, which are chemicals that improve our mood and act as natural painkiller thereby helping us relieve pain and stress. Exercise can also improve our sleep quality which is negatively affected when we are stressed out.

  •          Take a break

If possible try to take a break from your daily schedule and spend some quality time with family or friends or someone with whom you are at an ease, you may also choose to spend some time alone.

 ( tip: you may go on a road trip or travel to a beautiful place so to relieve your mind from all the things that are stealing your happiness)

  •          Take up hobbies

Doing the same regular things everyday, sometimes makes us feel bored and sad about our life. Taking up some hobbies and spending some time doing things you love can also help you relieve stress.

 Hobbies like painting, singing, dancing, playing instrument, knitting, reading, playing some indoor/outdoor games (no phone games) can help you to get relieved from stress.


Finally I want to share a poem, in which I have tried to express the feelings of a person whose stressed, depressed and sad.


Your acknowledgement is most welcome, would love to know if my poems helped any of my readers.  Follow this blog so that you don't miss any of my new poems.


  1. Got to know something very useful ,thankyou๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Thank you Dear for reading my article.....I’m happy you like it ❤️

  2. Very helpful and informative.. keep up the good work

  3. Keep it up my love ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜its superb


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