Die hard Motivation and Inspiration for Success

Success is not a journey filled with happiness but it's more about encountering difficulties and facing them with courage,

 success is about failing 5000 times but still trying the 5001 times hoping that you will succeed this time no matter what, 

success is having faith in yourself that one day or the other you will make it up to the top of the game,

success is not a overnight journey but its about all those steps you climb everyday to transform yourself.

It's more about having a positive spectrum of life.

I'm sure there haven't been any person who achieved success without facing any failure.We all might have heard this quote

 " Failure is noting but a new opportunity" 

but hardly do we know what does it exactly mean.It means that when we face any kind of failure most often we concentrate on the failure, we concentrate on what we lost through that failure but we forget to realize that every problem has a solution too. At that point we must instead focus on how we can overcome the failure, we must reflect back on our mistakes and surpass our old self.

I hope this poem will help you to bring some change in yourself. 
Good Luck!

  I will end up with a famous quote by J.K. Rowling's

"It is impossible to live without failing at something until you live so cautiously that you might as well  not have lived at all. In which case, you fail by default"


  1. Nice article.

  2. Really nice.... perfect article for motivation๐Ÿ™Œ

  3. Very well written, truly enjoyed your article!

    1. Thank you so much....I’m glad you enjoyed reading my poem๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Motivated article, really nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. Replies
    1. Your most welcome.......Thank you for visiting my blog.

  6. Love this, is definitely inspirational

  7. Waow! Great read!

    1. Thank you, I visited you website.......it’s nice.


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