Flower's whisper "Beauty!" to the World.

PIC: Welisa D'costa (Me) 

Often when we see a flower,
we admire it's beauty
but do we ever think of the 
pressure and uncertainties 
that the flower had to go through
in order to blossom so wonderfully?


when we hear about someones success 
we often acknowledge the person's success
but hardly do we think of the
sacrifices,pain,struggle and insults 
that the person had to go through
in order to achieve success. 

now the question that will run in our minds will be "what we will do thinking about someone else's struggle?"
well that will make you realize that 
when you expect the best from life, you should be ready to go through the worst
often in times of struggle we say things like "why this happened to me?" or  "why there are so many problems in my life" or sometimes "why always everything bad happens to me" and sometimes we end up blaming God or the universe or the people around us
but guys this pain and this struggle we are going through is necessary for our success
if today you are suffering
tomorrow you will enjoy it's fruit.

Your acknowledgement is most welcome, would love to know if my poems helped any of my readers. Follow this blog so that you don't miss any of my new poems.


  1. Great blog, beautiful thoughts. I can relate to a lot of things and Im sure many others too.

    1. Thank you 😊......I’m glad you liked it.


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